What do you need to invest in a nitrogen generator?

What do you need to invest in a nitrogen generator


There are important factors to put together before investing in a nitrogen generator. These factors put together will ensure the upgrade of your gas supply to be as hassle-free as possible.

The unitor nitrogen generator systems will put a stop to the endless admin, order processing as well as hazardous deliveries of bulk gas supplies to your facility. By doing so, it prevents money and time wastage and keeps your personnel away from risk.

Once you invest in a unitor nitrogen generator, your site has a guaranteed gas supply that is readily available to deliver on-demand. More so, you’ll make huge savings in the long term as there’s no need to pay for gas supplies any longer.

However, making the necessary change might seem daunting as it entails that you step out of your comfort zone and adapt from the way things are usually done for decades now. At Giantech, we believe the benefits of your business should speak for themselves and this can happen when you take control of simple things such as its process gas supply cost.

We’ve put together a shortlist of what is required to upgrade your nitrogen supply to a unitor nitrogen generator system. Below is our list of basic requirements:

Basic Requirements for nitrogen generator?

  • Capital

There is a need to invest capital in the purchase and installation of an on-site nitrogen generation system no matter your choice of the nitrogen gas supplier. Your investments depend on the size of your operation, processing application requirements, and your existing compressed air infrastructure.

The investment cost of your system could range between £15K and £120K or even more, which is expensive. However, we guarantee you that at Giantech, our customers see a return within six to eighteen months.

  • Space

You need to allocate proper space within your facility before installing a nitrogen gas generator system. We recommend you use either in or around your plant rooms.

The amount of space you’ll need depends on the size of the system you require, as the footprint varies based on the infrastructure investment required.

Determining this space required is easy with Giantech as our technical specialist is available to visit and help you assess what setup will fit your site.

  • Environmental Control Systems

For most compressed air, filtration, and nitrogen gas generation systems, they have specific environmental parameter recommendations for operations, which are to be strictly followed.

An example is that to ensure ambient temperatures within the installation or plant room, you should not exceed 50°C and make sure you provide adequate ventilation and ducting for air compressors.

Thankfully, the majority of facilities already have adequate heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems in place, hence, is easy to confirm suitability. However, if there’s any case of uncertainty, our technical specialist will be available to guide you on the systems as well as operational environmental requirements.

  • Network Piping

It is possible that your facility already has a full and expansive network of compressed air plumbing in place. This available plumbing will help to provide compressed air for the operation of pneumatic types of machinery and to also transport previously supplied gas to other places of use.

With this in place, the investment in additional plumbing to help you connect your new N2 generator is minimal. But you have to ensure that your existing piping network is properly maintained regularly to prevent leakages.

  • Electricity

Like many other plant types of machinery, your nitrogen generator system requires electricity to function. Therefore, the major concern here is to examine if there is an adequate supply of electricity for any additional compressor that must be installed and for other items of air filtration as well as the nitrogen generator.

Note that an air compressor requires a three-phase power supply and an air filtration as well as nitrogen gas generation systems requires the single-phase sockets. The distance of all this is approximately 1.5m of the planned installation location.


These are the basic requirements to put in mind whenever you want to invest in a nitrogen generation. Two other optional requirements are not quite important, but you can still look out for if you want to like the existing compressed air and treatment, and the confidence to make a change.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.