YouTube Search Optimisation: Use These Tips for Your Videos

YouTube Search Optimisation

Your marketing plan depends a lot on the content you use. Earlier, the websites used only textual content, but the scenario has changed remarkably since then. Now the content is varied and includes media such as videos, images and podcasts as well. The popularity of video content particularly has seen a steep rise. YouTube, being the biggest video uploading service, gets higher investment than any other channel.

With everyone crowding the channel, it becomes important that you be found by the users easily. Hence, it becomes necessary to optimise your video for YouTube Search. You can adopt the following methods for Youtube SEO. The first step to the optimisation of your content is to identify the keywords that you can focus on. You can do so with the help of various tools for keyword search. Then, you can start the process for optimisation.

Use These Tips to optimise for Your Videos

  • Add Keyword to the File Name

Once you have identified the keyword, add it to the file name before it is uploaded on YouTube. This helps YouTube identify whether or not it is relevant without watching it. The file name helps it to relate it to your keyword. Hence, a file name that clearly defines the content using the keyword will be easily picked up when the subject is searched.

  • The Title Should Make Natural Use of the Keyword

The first thing that catches our attention amongst the search results is the title of the video. That often drives the decision to play or ignore the video. Hence, the title, along with being attractive, should be clear in its communication. Keyword usage in the title must not seem forced – even if that means that you do not use the keyword as it appears. Your aim should be a short title, ideally up to 60 characters, with the keyword used naturally.

  • Video Description Should Be Optimised

The video description too should be kept within the prescribed limit of 1000 characters. This description should make use of the keywords within the first 100 characters as YouTube displays only that many characters. Moreover, a longer description can put the viewers off. Also, any important links and CTAs should be added in the initial part of the description.

  • Use Plenty of Tags

Using tags tells your viewers a lot about the video. It lets them associate with the video through these tags. This is also a source of information for YouTube itself. These allow it to be linked with other videos with similar tags. For this to be successful, all the tags that you choose in consultation with your YouTube marketing services must be relevant to your video.

  • Choose the Category to Slot Your Video Wisely

You are allowed to categorize your video via the advanced settings menu. This allows you to group your video with other similar videos under the search function. Hence, it allows a greater chance of viewership of your videos even if the users are looking for another one.

A thumbnail or the main image of the video tells a lot about it and should be selected carefully to create maximum impact using Youtube SEO. These are amongst some other factors that impact the views for your video. You can also use a lot of tools available in the market to study the metrics for your video to understand the impact it has on your viewership.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.