Tips For Lottery Websites To Gain More Traffic

Tips For Lottery Websites To Gain More Traffic

Lottery websites proved to be a definitive resource internationally during the pandemic days. However, in countries like India, the websites are the only way to a fair game of betting and lottery, and so here they mean the world to lottery enthusiasts. Therefore, piecing up a small website can lead you to become the biggest international lottery agent in India.

But the thing is, many international websites exist, and digital competitions are challenging to overcome. Thus, your primary step as an online lottery website should be to create an online identification and identification demands traffic. So, here’s how to gain traffic, support, and audience boost.

Tips For Lottery Websites To Gain More Traffic

Add resource links and write guest posts

Writing guest posts on reputed websites can draw attention to your website. Whenever someone reads a guest post, they naturally go on to the bio section and click on the links. Therefore, it is essential for you to add links to your website’s blog posts below your writings.

  • Initially, write a forthcoming guest post with no trace of promotional content.
  • After that, you can use the ‘helpful resource” in your posts.
  • These sections can hold up to 2 or 3 links for relevant topics.
  • Among three links, generate one link that is yours so that people can be directed to your website.
  • Also, beware never of adding broken links because links at a guest post are known to draw in 78 percent of traffic.

Integrate your content with Twitter via the the “Click to Tweet” option

This is by far the best tip you can receive; Twitter has been in use since its launch. Twitter holds billions of audiences that can be your potential traffic; however, to get them through, you need a proper strategy.

  • You can begin by creating content that includes smaller pieces of quotes, tips, and strategies. Something that can be tweeted.
  • Secondly, you will have to enter a “Click to Tweet” link.
  • The easiest way to do this by surfing
  • There you can write up your bite-sized bits, and the website will generate a tweet link for you.
  • Then you can copy that link to your website content.
  • Suppose it’s lottery related advice or fact, now any of your viewers can click on that tweet, and they will have a readily available tweet for them.
  • This convenience might bring them back to your website, and also, their tweet might bring in more customers.

Follow SEO, swipe away outdated contents, and add in graphics

SEO is the basic building block of a website, and it does not function if your website holds no keywords or content relevant to current market trends.

  • An outdated keyword setup may be the reason why your website is down in traffic.
  • However, if you upgrade your old posts in accordance with current-day SEO keywords, content demands and spice it up with a few graphical embellishments, you might draw up traffic attention.
  • A good SEO is bound to show up in Google searches.
  • These simple add ons and improvement strategies can increase your chances of traffic by 50.95 percent.

Align your content with Google’s Hummingbird algorithm and put up LSI keywords

SEO is obviously the best way to catch up on traffic and drive them to your page. However, some SEO techniques are obsolete, and including them can further harm your website.

  • Google’s Hummingbird algorithm judges a website by its current SEO.
  • This new paced algorithm tends to control 90 percent of what a Google search includes.
  • Therefore, not following its guidelines can be a massive loss to a website.
  • Yet the question persists, that what can you do to fit in this new densely world that is judged by a critical Hummingbird algorithm. Well, the answer is to include LSI keywords.
  • LSI or Large Scale integration keywords are keywords that specifically revolve around your target topic.
  • For instance, if you wrote something regarding an online lottery, your LSI keywords would include:
    • Sports betting
    • Blackjack
    • Rummy
    • Slot games
    • Lottery odds
    • Lottery tickets
    • Roulette etc.
  • This repetitive inclusion of relevant keywords extends a confirmation to Google that this content is specifically about lotteries. It fits in your page to search results regarding the same in accordance with your search engine rankings.
  • So if you think generating LSI keywords is challenging or costly — don’t worry — there is a free tool for that.
  • The tool is called LSI Graph; it generates dozens of LSI keywords once you enter your website’s or blog’s title.
  • After that, all you need to do is sprinkle around these keywords in your post so that it appears natural, and you are done.


Driving in traffic to your website can be both challenging and tiresome. But once you pass this phase, no one can stop you from becoming the biggest international lottery agent in India.

Posted in SEO
I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.