How to Boost Virtual Desktop Security

How to Boost Virtual Desktop Security

How to Boost Virtual Desktop Security: One of the biggest threats that businesses have to deal with is security breaches. This is why cybersecurity has become a top priority for small and large businesses alike as cyberattacks continue to rise.

Statistics show that cybersecurity budgets have gone up by 60%. Many large corporations are spending an enormous amount of money each year on security, and as more businesses move their operations to the cloud, the need to use better and more advanced security systems has become vital.

Remote working has become the new normal, and it’s here to stay. Businesses have changed the way they operate, which has led to the adoption of remote working solutions for business continuity, especially in times of a crisis.

By using cloud computing, businesses are creating digital workspaces that their employees can access through a browser, smartphone, laptop, or tablet. The use of virtual or hosted desktop has become one of the few ways many businesses can stay in operation during the pandemic.

Hosted desktops, also referred to as Desktop as a Service (DaaS), has become a lifeline for many businesses. The desktops look the same as the conventional, physical desktops, the only difference is that the former is hosted in the cloud. All the data and software applications are located in the cloud and are accessed via the internet.

Although hosted desktops provide businesses with an easy way to access information, transact business, and share files, they also vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

But there are ways to mitigate this risk by boosting security and investing in security solutions to protect your business from data and system breaches. Here’s a look at few things you can do:

Recognize potential threats

One way to boost your hosted desktop security is by recognizing potential threats. Some of these threats include system infiltrations and phishing emails.

To prevent cyber attackers from gaining access to your computer systems, you need to make sure that you enable your system lockdown, and your device and application controls. Enabling these features helps prevent unauthorized applications, devices, and persons from accessing your computer system.

Besides that, you need to ensure that all your employees use strong passwords.

Back up your data regularly

Backing up your data regularly reduces the risk of loss or damage to your data due to hacking, malware, human error, hardware failure, and software failure.

Although using an antivirus can help protect your hosted desktop from data breaches, hackers always find ingenious ways to access computer systems. Ransom and phishing attacks are increasing because it’s one of the easiest ways to hack a computer system.

Therefore, besides backing up your data frequently, further security measures should be taken to prevent phishing and ransom attacks.

Leverage hosted desktop infrastructure’s in-built security

Hosted desktop infrastructures come with inbuilt advanced security features to help mitigate system breaches. As a business, you can leverage these security features to ensure your virtual environment and all the components in it are well secured.

The advantage of hosted desktops is that if there is a security breach or issue, you can reboot the virtual desktop and create a new one. Rebooting it erases the hosted desktop, which allows you to create a new user profile with unique login credentials.

Educate your employees about security policies

Although you may take the necessary security measures to keep your data safe, you also need to educate your employees on cybersecurity.

Train them on how to identify threats and what steps to take when faced with these threats. For example, train them on identifying malicious emails by providing samples and showing them what to look for. Also, emphasize the importance of not sharing personal information like passwords.

Improve Reporting Systems

Having a reporting system in place is well and good, but if it is not effective, that poses a huge problem for you as a business.

It is essential to improve your reporting systems to provide your employees with an easy way to report malicious emails or activities. The system should also be easy to use and access.

It can also help if you reward employees who report potential threats as a way of encouraging the practice.


Hackers are always going to find a way to hack into a system. The best you can do is make it more difficult for them to gain access by leveraging host desktop inbuilt security features and tools to maximize your system security.

Educate your employees about security policies, train them on how to identify threats, and provide them with an easy way to report the threats.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.

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