5 Logo Design Trends That Can Make or Break a Brand

5 Logo Design Trends That Can Make or Break a Brand

The logo is an essential part of any business that keeps it ahead of the curve. Brands that do not pay attention to the logo design fails to bring in the limelight. A captivating logo is beneficial for the success of any sort of business as it reflects brand professionalism with a blink of an eye. Therefore, business operators follow the latest logo design trends to provide a powerful impact on the audience.

Consequently, if you are unable to convey the business message and grab the audience’s attention speedily via your brand identity then you are reading the right stuff. As not every design trend is encouraged to be followed, we have shared below the top 5 logo design trends that can make or even break a business.

Top 5 logo design trends

1. Simple Logo Designs

For the past few years, simplification in logo design is at the top of the trending list. Simple and minimal designs make the audience recognize and remember the brand. Thus, simplification in logo design is said to be a key to successful branding. Many companies prefer simple designs over artistic designs as simple logos convey the brand’s message more clearly to the audience. Old businesses are converting their logo designs to the simplified ones and new starters are preferring simple logo designs over complicated designs. Simplification doesn’t only mean simplified design, but it also focuses on minimum color usage with decent graphic elements.

2. Hand-Drawn Designs

Hand-drawn designs have been in the trending logo design’s list since 2016. Hand-written logos build a connection between the brand and the customers. It shows the brand’s purity and gives it a personal touch making customers feel home. This type of design requires a little more effort than usual but the final results will turn out to be unique as well as attractive. This design trend needs a skilled and creative logo designer to give the perfect look to the logo. These logo designs are popular among the food industry as it gives a homely feeling and portrays a friendly image of the brand.

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Hand-Drawn Designs

3. Vintage Style Logos

Old ideas and themes never get out of fashion, thus always amaze the people of this generation. In this modern era, vintage logos are of high demand as people feel a connection with the past. Vintage-style logos are at peak in the trending logos making businesses popular due to its retro idea. It gives the audience a nostalgic effect and makes them remember the memories of their past. The vintage style grabs the attention of customers instantly and hits them emotionally. Whether it’s the effect of retro patterns or using retro colors and themes, it is becoming one of the popular trends nowadays.

4. Subtle Animation Designs

Subtle animation logo is becoming a new trend in the logo designs. These subtly animated logos have become popular as it shows versatility in the logo world. However, subtly animated logos are a big flop and are considered the worst design trends which many businesses are blindly following. It fails to convey the brand’s message to the targeted audience. This trend shouldn’t be followed just because of its versatility. Surely it can grab customer’s attention but is not able to define any business appropriately. Businesses that do not have enough knowledge about graphic design logo USA, usually use this trending logo design just to look different and unique.

5. Digital Paintbrush Designs

Digital Paintbrush has been among the trending logos for a while. Presenting a blast of colors in a logo is just not impressive at all. Combining so many colors feeling that these bunch of colors will be eye-catching is just a ridiculous thing to do. A logo represents a brand’s image, thus creating a logo with just a mix of colors couldn’t represent the brand’s image correctly. Using so many colors can confuse the audience leaving the brand’s message unclear. Moreover, such logos are not memorable nor versatile either, which makes your business lack behind other competitors.

Digital Paintbrush Designs


A logo plays a vital role in the branding of any business. If branding did right, your business can reach new heights of success, whereas a single mistake can lead to the destruction of your business. Various logo designs are trending these days, but the topmost ones are simplified designs, hand-drawn designs, and vintage style. These logo trends help grow your business by instantly catching the audience’s attention. Whereas, subtle animation and digital paintbrush are among the worst logo design trends that do not justify your brand’s personality leaving the message of your brand unclear. Using the right design trend is of great importance, not all trends suit every type of business.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.