4 Tracking Systems that Will Support Your Business

4 Tracking Systems that Will Support Your Business

In every industry, it’s important to track and measure progress and certain types of data. Without tracking, you won’t know where you are compared to where you want to be, which means you’ll probably miss your targets.

Whether your goals are financial, achievement-based, or certain numbers, these various tracking systems will help you stay on target.

4 Tracking Systems that Will Support Your Business

1. Fleet management tracking

According to Cetaris, fleet management tracking systems support tracking assets from acquisition, through maintenance, and to its end-of-life disposal. This type of tracking system provides the following benefits to your business:

  • Manage parts spend. Having a visual way to track your spending helps you control your costs. This will help you find the lowest cost so you don’t overspend.

You’ll also know when you can file a claim through your warranty. This is important because 70% of claims that would be covered through a warranty go unfulfilled. When a part under warranty breaks down, your team will be automatically alerted. It’s just too hard to track manually.

  • Improve labor and productivity. When you overspend on labor, it’s usually because your team isn’t being productive. Tracking workflows and creating standardization is the key to maximizing productivity by minimizing downtime between tasks and matching technicians to jobs based on skillset.

Inventory management is also a huge part of this system. With tracking in place, you can make sure you have exactly enough inventory on hand without tying up too much of your cash flow.

  • Gain deeper business insights. Data-driven decisions are only as good as the accuracy of the data. Deeper insights through fleet management software provide predictive and preventive analytics to help you plan for the future.

You’ll also get real-time insight with alerts when significant events occur so you can handle them right away.

If you haven’t incorporated fleet management tracking software into your business, look into it – the benefits are enormous.

2. Blog post tracking

How fast can you access a specific blog post you want to revisit, edit, or remove? With a blog post tracking system, making changes to your blog posts is easy. For instance, if all you create is a simple excel spreadsheet with blog post titles and links, you can search for your blog posts by keyword and find them fast. One click and you’ll have access to your post.

Why you need a tracking sheet for your blogs

Whenever you post blogs to your website, they disappear in a sea of pagination that takes time to click through just to find the right post. Even if you log into your admin panel, you’ll have to read titles and scroll to find what you need.

Tracking your blog posts does more than just give you quick access to your posts. It also makes it easy for you to document significant changes, when your posts were published, and any other metadata that is important.

For instance, if some of your posts are landing pages for PPC ads, you can color-code those lines so they stand out visually.

3. Employee password and account tracking

Do you know your employees’ account login information, including their current passwords? If not, you should. It’s important to know who you’ve issued accounts, along with their current passwords for several reasons.

When you need to fire an employee, you’ll need to know which accounts they have so you can change the password. If you fire someone and they still have access to company-related accounts, they might attempt to sabotage something, like deleting important files.

This is also why you should never allow employees to use personal accounts to store and access company files. Imagine allowing your marketing team to use their own Dropbox accounts to store the images they use for the company. If you need to fire someone in the future, you can’t get access to their personal account to make sure they delete your company assets.

4. Digital asset management tracking

Digital assets can get pretty messy, especially when you don’t have a system in place for naming and storing files. If you use a cloud-based file storage system, those files are likely well organized, but what about the files you keep on your computer?

The easiest solution is to get digital asset management software for your local machine. You might also want to explore some cloud-based options if you have a significantly large number of files to organize.

Tracking data and assets will support your success

Tracking systems directly support your success. For instance, tracking data will give you the insight necessary to make good business decisions and avoid overspending. Tracking your assets will avoid wasted payroll dollars and time. Once you implement these systems, you’ll start seeing a significant improvement in your business.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.

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