The Worst Careers for Mental Health

Over the past year or so, many people have been forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has greatly changed and influenced the nature of many jobs. For some, the change has been a good one. Being at home has given them more of a chance to focus on themselves rather than work. They have more time with their kids and spouse and feel mentally happier.

For others, staying at home so much has caused their mental health to spiral. If you find yourself in that boat, know help is always available. You can visit for more information about finding support.

Some work in environments largely unaffected by the pandemic. These include essential service workers, among others. Whether pre- or post-pandemic, certain professions tend to produce harsh environments for one’s mental health. Of course, this won’t be true for everyone in that profession. Everyone is different, and the demands of a job will vary from person to person. The following are five of the top careers that can be some of the worst for your mental health.


Those in the military are exposed to all kinds of tragedies each and every day. From the loss of limb to extreme exhaustion, interrogation to even death, the military sees it all. They’re placed in high-stress situations that leave them with conditions like PTSD. Some are able to work through their trauma and heal while others are in treatment for the rest of their lives. Going into the military shouldn’t be taken lightly, though it is a noble and admirable career for those who choose it.

Social Work

Those who enter the field of social work normally do so because they genuinely care for other people and want to help or give back to the world in some way. However, social work jobs are taxing on both the body and the mind. Many social workers are on-call and find themselves answered call after call from distressed victims on the other line. Others have to witness horrible crimes, see kids separated from their families, or help someone through a crisis.

The nature of the work is not for the faint of heart. Social workers can develop anxiety, depression, and can become isolated from their family and friends. The long hours and intensity of the work can cause them to want to be alone in their free time to relax and take a break from the world. If you’re a social worker, it’s important to lean on your friends and family for help. After all, your career is centered around doing so for others. You deserve it just as much in your times of need.

Customer Service

Customer service jobs are great if you love people, but can quickly become stressful, tiring, and overwhelming. You never know who will be on the other end of the phone or in your face yelling about something. It takes a special person to stay calm in these moments of intensity. The days can belong, and you might find the work repetitive too. Call centers are notorious for complaint after complaint, and it can be hard to experience so much negativity day in and day out. Customer service workers should try to not take things personally and practice self-care by doing the things that make them happy. This will help prevent any burnout from the job, though it’s still possible.


Doctors and nurses see a lot of really hard things throughout their day. They experience people passing away, families mourning, and telling people they have a deadly disease that can’t be cured. The hours are long and tiring and work often becomes one’s entire life. It’s no wonder health professionals experience increased levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. No one is immune to problems with their mental health, not even the people who often seem like superheroes to the rest of us.


From actors to comedians, and everything in between, entertainers are more prone to negative feelings like loneliness and depression than others might be. Being an entertainer can make you feel very isolated from others and unable to relate to those that don’t share your profession. You may feel as if others “just don’t get it,” and you’re right—unless you’re in that field yourself, it’s very hard to understand that life.

You might lose old friends and family members who you were once close with and feel the need to only associate with those of your same status. Entertainers have very little privacy in their lives and have to constantly act like everything in their life is perfect. Some of the most famous and seemingly happy people are actually the most unhappy on the inside.

You may be in one of these careers and have great mental health. You may also be in a different career not listed here and struggle with your mental health. Every job will be different because there are so many factors that go into a career. You have to consider things like what your coworkers are like, how your boss treats their employees, the types of benefits offered, and the hours worked each week. As previously mentioned, everyone’s experience will be different because no job is created equally.

You should value your mental health enough that you know when it’s time for a career change. Though every job has its ups and downs, you should never stay in a job that makes you miserable. This can be tempting if the job makes a lot of money, is close to your house, or has great benefits. However, no job is worth sacrificing your well-being and mental health. It’s important to get help if you need it.

Marie Miguel Biography

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-
related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health
resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with
mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.

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