Why Mobile Responsiveness Will Be Vital For Websites

Why Mobile Responsiveness Will Be Vital For Websites

The internet is perhaps the most important selling channel for businesses today. As this is where the customers are, you absolutely need to have a solid presence across this channel. A great-looking and fully functional website are what you need to start with. Ideally, your website should be a perfect replica of your brand and business. A clear and easily navigable display of products and services is the next important thing for making the site attractive to potential buyers. Further, you need to ensure that the website has all the right features and functionalities that make it easy to use.

Once you have a website up and running, you need to get it to the top of the search rankings as well. This is where it should be to have good visibility and make the maximum number of users access it. When it comes to building a result-oriented SEO strategy to get your website ranking higher, mobile responsiveness is one factor that you cannot afford to ignore. Essentially, responsiveness is all about the ability of a site to render as seamlessly on mobile devices as it does on computers. The design should be such that it looks good on small screens of mobile devices. Mobile responsiveness has always been important for SEO but it will become vital in the coming time.You might have a mobile friendly website already and want to convert your website to mobile app. https://www.adeptmobile.no/ helps you to convert any website to app

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites

Being on top of the search rankings is very important for any business website to be visible, accessible and credible. This is possible only if your website is well optimized according to the latest Google search algorithms. Basically, Google has certain factors that it considers while allocating ranking to the website. According to the latest search algorithms, mobile-friendliness is a key parameter in this context. This is because user experience matters the most to Google and a site that works seamlessly across devices is definitely a winner from the UX perspective. A website that is responsive is, therefore, bound to get a higher ranking, which brings a definite advantage for your SEO strategy. On the other hand, all the effort you invest in link building and on-page optimization can go waste if the site is not responsive.

Mobile is where the customers are

The growing number of smartphone users across the globe has changed the marketing dynamics to a considerable extent. Mobile is undoubtedly where the customers are today because this is how they prefer to access websites. Primarily, it is because mobile devices provide the convenience of searching on the go, wherever the users are. Further, they offer the ease of searching via voice rather than typing text. This obviously enables you to capture the advantage of the voice search trend which is making it big in the online domain right now. Considering these factors, having a mobile presence becomes mandatory for any business. If your website is not responsive, you may end up losing a broad segment of your customers.

Get the opportunity to capture micro-moments

Mobile micro-moments are a huge opportunity for online businesses these days. Imagine how easy it is for the customers to shop on the spur of the moment if they have a mobile device handy. All they need to do is pick their device, search for the product or service they want and complete the purchase in just a few clicks. As simple as that! This is a huge opportunity that businesses can capitalize on as well because capturing micro-moments lets them convert more customers faster as compared to selling to those who shop via desktops and laptops. This segment of customers is more likely to pause and rethink their purchase decisions instead of making impulsive decisions as mobile shoppers do.

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Responsiveness keeps you in competition

Being ahead of the competition is the key to survival and growth for businesses of all types and sizes. The competition in the online domain is daunting as there are probably thousands of websites offering products or services similar to yours. If the users are able to access them (and not your website) through mobile devices, they are bound to prioritize them. Not being responsive can push you behind in the race, which is something that you would not want to happen. So you must absolutely invest in mobile responsiveness in 2020 and ahead, just because your competitors are doing it.

It is a standard best practice

There are certain best practices that have been embraced as a standard by online sellers due to the proven efficacy over a period of time. This SEO guide places mobile responsiveness on the top while defining the standard best practices for search engine optimization. No wonder that almost every reputable website is built with responsive design right from scratch. In case you are not following this best practice at present, now is the time to realign if you want your business to thrive and grow in the times ahead.

A better browsing experience comes as a bonus

Another reason why every business must ensure mobile responsiveness for its website is that it serves better browsing experiences. To start with, these websites load at lightning-fast speed, which is perhaps the most critical element of UX. Any website that takes more than a few seconds to load is bound to be left by the users but with a responsive design, you can be sure that this never happens. Additionally, responsiveness ensures that the content looks great on all screen sizes and the navigation is seamless as well. Further, clear and contextual mobile CTAs are another amazing element of such sites. All these factors obviously create the most amazing browsing experience for the users.

Consolidate trust and credibility

Beyond just selling, your business needs to establish trust and credibility for building long-term relationships with the customers. In fact, relationships matter as much as revenues in the hyper-competitive online landscape. The idea is to make your brand credible to the extent that the customers come back for repeat shopping. A mobile responsive website can go a long way when it comes to consolidating trust and credibility for your business. The customers are more likely to stick to you and even recommend you if they get consistent experiences every time and with every device, they use to access your website. This is another good reason why you must go the extra mile to ensure responsiveness .

Cut down the maintenance costs

Mobile responsiveness also serves immense benefits from the maintenance cost perspective. Obviously, maintaining one responsive website will be less costly than doing it for two different ones, namely the one which is accessible to the PC users and the other meant for mobile users. Moreover, this means less initial development cost as well because you will have to invest in one website only. The huge money saving is a clear plus for any business. When you save a whole lot of money for your business, you can use it elsewhere for something more value-adding. Also, there is much less time, effort and stress involved for creating, monitoring and managing a single responsive website rather than multiple ones for different devices.

Considering these facts about mobile responsiveness, it is clear that businesses cannot achieve their goals unless they invest in a mobile-compatible website. This is going to be all the more important in 2022 and ahead because mobile as a selling channel is only going to grow bigger and bigger. If you have still not embraced responsiveness as a part of your online strategy, now is the time you must absolutely do it!


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