What Is Agile Software Development?

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The idea of ecommerce agile design has received a lot of fans and, as a consequence, branches. In order to somehow unite them, in 2001 the light saw the Agile Manifesto – an ideological set of web development rules, something like “Quality goals and objectives” in a firm. It contains 4 ideas and 12 principles. The basis is the regulation of priority between company documents, instruments, and human relations. In Agile, the answer is clear – people and their desires are primary. The description in the manifesto is not unique, the vast majority of website models and methodologies of development are based on the fact that the client is always right, and the services must have the motivation and appropriate working conditions.

The Main Stages of the Agile Custom Software Development

Agile custom software development can be easily implemented by the best professional agency such as gns-it.com. Their custom software development shows how the company prospects can be good enough to grow.

However, back to the concept of agile development.

It is important to remember that Agile is a general concept. Somewhere under the cycle is understood the way from analysis and planning to release, somewhere it is just a development phase associated with a certain level of complexity. But there are 4 stages everywhere:

  1. Planning. Time-limited stage due to a large number of iterations and ever-changing requirements;

  2. Feedback. It can come from clients, programmers, testers, and developers themselves – any interested parties;

  3. Implementation. Actually the development of code and graphics by the gns-it.com software development company;

  4. Testing. Automatic or manual detection of errors and non-compliance with customer requirements.

The concept described is universal for all flexible methodologies that also have common pros and cons.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s start with the pros:

  • Maximum customer satisfaction. He has constant contact with a developer, his wishes quickly find a response in the project;

  • A favorable atmosphere in the team. Even in the case of disagreement, it is more efficient to deal with words;

  • High goals. Permanent feedback implies attention to detail, ergonomics, matching trends;

  • Security. Many iterations exclude the existence of errors made at the outset.

But there are downsides too:

  • Poor attention to documentation. In the case of claims and conflicts of arguments in the defense of the executor simply will not be;

  • Problems with the implementation of complex products. If restrictions were laid down at the very beginning of the development, it would be difficult to correct them in the later stages;

  • The likelihood of customers failing in the development process. If the customer does not have a clear understanding of what he wants to see on the way out, it is very difficult to fulfill his requirements;

  • Impact of hierarchy. Executives make all the decisions, as all cycle processes are implemented in parallel. The importance of ordinary programmers is minimal.

In order to eliminate possible errors order agile software development only from a professional company such as gns-it.com.

The Agile model will be very useful for start-ups when it comes to attracting customers and gaining credibility. In large companies, Agile in its pure form is rarely used, only for individual projects or departments.

What to Read?

The domestic and foreign market is full of books on flexible development, so it will not be difficult for those interested to find a suitable read. Here is the list of the top 3:

  • “Achieving Agile. Values, principles, methodologies ”, Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Green.

  • «Flexible development of programs in Java and C ++. Principles, Patterns, and Techniques, ”Robert S. Martin. Agile in the application.

  • “User stories. Flexible software development ”, Mike Cohn. Stories of right and wrong app of flexible software development, tips for implementation of specific methodologies.

The manifesto states that the relationship always stands above the documents. So do not try to find a book that will strictly describe the steps to implement a flexible model. Agile is based on a team of like-minded people, and the rest is the specifics of your work and your personal wishes.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.