7 Hidden Youtube Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement

7 Hidden Youtube Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement

YouTube is one of the largest social media apps of today’s generation. YouTube has made it possible for people to make a living out of the internet. One of the most important things on YouTube is the amount of engagement and subscribers that you have. The number of subscribers and engagements that you have on YouTube shows your popularity on the app. It also helps you to gain more exposure and attain a larger reach. Many people also buy YouTube likes to increase engagement on YouTube. “Stormviews” is one of the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers from.

A lot of people make some amazing content on YouTube but don’t get much attention for it. A big reason for this is that they aren’t using the right marketing strategies. Marketing strategies are when you carefully plan out the functioning of your channel to reach your full potential. Using the right marketing strategies is very important as they can make or break your YouTube channel. If you wish to know more about these, keep reading the article. Here are 7 Hidden Youtube Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement:

Make attractive video titles:

Your video title is something that can attract a lot of audiences. When people look at your video, they will usually try to judge the content through the heading. Therefore, you need to come up with something extremely creative and eye-catching. Your heading is also very important as it can give you a lot of clicks. If you aren’t very good with thumbnails and the visual factors of your videos, you can overcome that through your titles. Your title needs to be something unique and creative. It needs to be relevant and fresh. Only then will an audience click on your video. You should also make sure that your title describes your video in the best way possible and is as short as possible.

Create attractive thumbnails:

Thumbnails are one of the most important things about your YouTube video. Therefore, it needs to be good enough to attract them into watching your video. Your thumbnail needs something extremely surprising and unique so that the audience can get curious about it. You need to try and add a certain highlighted factor of the video into your thumbnail. Try to make sure that your thumbnail is as clear and bright as possible. You can also use various photoshop apps to make your thumbnails look more complete and unique. You can add various stickers, effects, filters, etc to make a thumbnail more visually pleasing.

Make short videos:

The attention span of today’s audience is very small. Therefore, you need to make sure that your YouTube videos are as short as possible. You need to try and cover a bunch of different events, factors or topics of a video in as little time as possible. If your videos are short, people will not mind watching them as they don’t take up much time. However, if you make extremely long videos people are most likely to get bored of them by the end and click off from your video. This can lead to you losing engagements and therefore, not getting any subscribers. However, if your videos are short, fun, entertaining but also informative at the same time, people are more likely to subscribe to your channel.

Promote your video:

Promoting your video plays a huge role in getting more attention. You cannot expect to get a large audience on your videos solely from YouTube. You need to make sure that you introduce your channel on other social media platforms as well. For example, you can use Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok to promote your YouTube channel. You can inform people on those platforms about your YouTube channel and talk about it more over there. Moreover, you can give people an insight into your YouTube videos and get them to visit your channel. Another thing you can do is link your channel or particular videos to your profile so that people can access them easily.


Collaborating is one of the best ways to make your channel interesting and fun. Collaborating can also help you to expose yourself to a completely new audience. Many people tend to watch YouTube videos with different creators together as it is more entertaining and interesting. Collaborating also helps you to exchange your audiences and build a larger community for yourself. There are a few creators on YouTube who are highly established. If you get to collaborate with them, you can drive a large audience to your channel. This is because they will introduce you to their already existing audience which will help you grow very effectively.

Show behind the scenes:

Showing behind the scenes is always a great way to build a better relationship with your audience. People always love to see the process of making YouTube videos. Therefore, you can always update your audience about everything that goes on behind the cameras in your YouTube videos. It will not only show how much effort goes into your videos but will also make you look more genuine and natural.


It is very important to interact with the audience. This shows that you care for your audience and that you are highly active on your channel. You can interact with your audience in different ways. A few of them are replying to comments, replying to messages, hosting giveaways, giving shout-outs, liking the comments of your followers, and many more. You can also communicate with your audience by answering their questions on your YouTube videos.

These were 7 Hidden Youtube Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement. You know that this article could help you understand YouTube on a deeper level and grow your channel.

I am a full-time professional blogger from India. I like reading various tech magazines and several other blogs on the internet.

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