Ration Card – one nation one card

Ration Card – one nation one card

Ration card is government-approved document that can also act as an identity proof of a citizen. Ration card is issued under the state government of India. It is only issued after proper verification of the economical status of an individual applying. The ration card acts as a medium to obtain food grains at subsidized rates, for poor section of the society. These food grains can be collected from shops that fall under the National Food Security Act. Other items such as kerosene can also be obtained on subsidised rates.

One Nation One card – Everything in detail

  • There has been a standard pattern for Ration cards, set by the central government, which is followed by the state government. All the ration cards that are issued have to follow standard format.
  • The nation is all buckled up to launch this new Scheme of “one nation one card” throughout the country. It will most likely come to into effect from 1 June 2020.
  • This new scheme will allow the valid ration card holders, to get food grains at subsidised rates, from any shop under NFSA (National Food Security Act). These fair shops are available in all the states throughout the country. The ration card till now is valid only in a particular state from where it is issued. This scheme will benefit many people.
  • The final format for “one nation one card” has been chosen after observing the ration card format in all the states. All the new ration cards that are issued, have been advised to follow the new format and pattern.
  • The standard ration card only holds minimum required, essential information about the individual applying. However, the States have power to add new information as per their need.
  • To allow easy understanding, readability and portability, it has been advised by the central government to use ration cards in bilingual languages. It allows one language to be local, whereas another language to be either Hindi or English.
  • To make it unified overall, it has been told to the states to use 10 digit number as a standard for Ration card. The first two numbers in this format have to be state code, whereas the next two numbers will be running numbers of ration card.
  • Also, there is an addition of two digits in the ration card number. This is to ensure that every ration cardholder has a unique number of identity. It will specify a member of the household with a valid ration card.

Some facts:

  • Recently, the government has recorded 19,25,671 new applications for registering ration card.
  • There are already 1,44,28,017 existing ration cards in our country.
  • After proper verification of data, about 72,362 ration card applications were rejected. Only 1,91,380 ration cards were issued newly.
  • There are also incoming applications for split cards. It is decided to accept about 12,35,889 applications for split card request. (Split card refers to a ration card, issued when an individual splits from their family, after getting married.)
  • The total number of ration cards in our country after being issued are 1,58,55,286.




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